You can see Erik’s entire presentation at:

Own Any Occasion is the perfect antidote for the fear of public speaking. Anyone who gets nervous speaking in front of people will benefit from this book
As I was preparing my speech to the legislature, I found that you suggestions as to how to deliver a speech very helpful. In particular your suggestion to memorize the beginning of basic phrases to reduce the impact of reading important lines created the effect that I was talking with the audience instead of speaking at them. I also thought that your turning around basic bullet points in my prepared talk to begin with by asking a question and then to answer it to be very effective. I think that your suggestions made my audience more receptive to my talk and more interested in the ideas expressed.
Erik’s framework for speaking has been a big help to my trainers and me. The concepts presented are simple, direct and, more importantly, useful. Anyone at any stage of their career presenting to any audience at any event can use this approach with outstanding results. Erik’s method has become standard form for how our organization builds and performs presentations.
When you become a better, stronger speaker, you boost your career success and even your income.
I found this book to be a great field guide to developing real-world presentations, as well as a blueprint to owning any occasion—even when called upon to make an off-the-cuff impromptu speech.
Clear and compelling, Erik Palmer’s Own Any Occasion is a confidence-building guide in the fundamentals of speaking. From cultivating the voice as a personal instrument to determining strategies for specific situations, this book is a comprehensive and accessible read for anyone interested in connected communications.
I was a nervous wreck about writing a toast for my only daughter and talking in front of the large gathering, most of which I didn’t know—-including her in-laws and my ex’s family. Telling a friend about my panic, she referred me to Erik. He reviewed my speech and observed my delivery. Pointing out nervous tics and monotonous tone, he videotaped and had me observe myself. After a few sessions, I felt confident. At the end of my toast, I was the only one to get applause. I had managed what I intended. Erik is a miracle-worker. I recommend him to anyone who has to speak in public and is scared to do so.
Good speakers aren’t born that way, it is something they have learned. Erik Palmer’s Own Any Occasion will show you how.
Erik Palmer’s book Own Any Occasion will help anyone present their ideas in a more interesting and memorable way. It’s packed with useful advice presented in a way that makes it easy to use. A great resource!
The Importance of Presentation Skills
Speaking in front of people:
One of the biggest fears for most adults.
Yet life provides many occasions where we must do exactly that: speak in front of people, sometimes one-to-one, sometimes small group, sometimes large group; sometimes in person and now, sometimes digitally (webinars, video conferences, podcasts). How can we prepare for these oral communication challenges?
I wish teachers spent less time on Shakespeare and more time teaching speaking skills. I know that is a bold statement, but no one has ever asked me to do
iambic pentameter yet I have often been called upon to speak in public.
At an early age, I decided to work on becoming a good speaker and I believe that my focus on effective oral communication has been worth more to me professionally and socially than anything else I have done.
Now, I show others how to be effective communicators.
It can be done: everyone can become more competent and more comfortable as a speaker. It doesn’t take studying the 39,000 books at Amazon on “public speaking.” All it takes is understanding the eleven pieces of all effective oral communication.